It is a new school year and we have so many new things happening in Cove's Children's Garden. We are slowly turning the tiered beds into edible gardens with the hope to donate to Beverly Bootstraps Food Pantry. The green onions we planted last Spring exploded and we have so many to deliver this week. Fifth Grade Student Council will be working hard this Thursday to prep our first delivery to Bootstraps and we are just thrilled.
In the past, we held a weekly after school Garden Club but with schedules, it became very hard to keep our momentum as a viable club. Rather than do the after school club, we will be holding a biweekly exploration, a way to help maintain the garden, meet new Cove families, and have fun in our special place. It is my goal to hold one in the afternooon during the week and one on the weekend, to encourage families that may not be able to make the weekday explorations to come visit the garden. Any and all help is greatly appreciated and if there are any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out at
Rather than waste paper with backpack mail, I will be posting all our news and events on this blog and also over at Twitter, @CovesGarden. I look forward to meeting and talking to you...Meg