Sunday, October 20, 2013

Upcoming Events in the Garden

Upcoming Events in Cove’s Children’s Garden

Oct. 21st  2:15-3 p.m.: Gathering fall leaves and making leaf crowns
We will search the garden for beautiful fall leaves & make leaf crowns.

Oct. 27th, 2:15-3 p.m.: Pumpkin exploration
Join us as we explore pumpkins from the inside out!

Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 1-3 p.m.: Weekend clean up day
For those families and friends who cannot make it during the week, this is the perfect time to come join us as we prepare the garden for winter. We will read a book, talk about the changes in the garden, and have some fall treats.

Nov. 4th  2:15-3 p.m.: Herb hunting day
Our garden has quite a few hidden herbs ranging from oregano to peppermint. Come join us as we search the garden for various herbs and clip them for drying.

For more information, please email us at, read our blog at, or follow us on Facebook. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fairy Houses in the Garden

What fun we had a few weeks ago in the Children's Garden building fairy houses! Amanda read Fairy Houses by Tracy Kane and everyone got to work. If you have a chance, stop by the garden and check out the great fairy houses!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Soil Exploration

We had the pleasure of our first classroom visit to the Children's Garden, Mrs. Trowt's second grade class. They were learning about soil and after they shared so many great things about soil, we got a bit messy.
The second grade soil experts sharing all their soil knowledge.
soil from the beach
compost from the tiered beds
all sorts of treasures like crab legs, shells, and seaweed in this soil
and the most exciting things we found were worms!
So much fun exploring all different types of soil, the creatures and components of that soil, and the importance of soil in nature. We love dirt!
Many thanks to Mrs. Trowt for allowing us to get a bit dirty in our exploration!